Liposuction is a technique of removing fat cells that are under the skin’s surface in order to create a contour change in the body. Liposuction is one of the most common types of operations in the United States and the techniques have continued to evolve throughout the years. The areas on the patient’s body that will be having liposuction will be marked on their body. The decision as to how much will be removed will be made by both the patient and the physician. The patient will receive either a light intravenous sedation or general anesthesia.
The recovery time for liposuction will depend on how much fat is removed and how many areas of the body were treated. Most patients will recover in 2-10 weeks, with the results showing up within 3-6 weeks. Until the bruising has gone away, patients will be advised to avoid sun tanning. Patients can resume their normal activities fairly quickly and can resume exercise 3-6 weeks after being treated. The areas that can be treated with liposuction include:
- Abdomen
- Arms
- Buttocks
- Hips
- Inner and outer thighs
- Neck
- Upper and lower back